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Make a Joyful Noise:

Singing to the Father with your authentic voice


Here you will find resources discussed in class, and videos to help you practice some singing skills at home during the week. No special talent required!


New information and videos will be added each week of the class, so check back often. And if you need some extra help or have questions, reach out to Heather.

Singing is complex!

We often take making sound for granted, but it is a really complex coordination of neurological, muscular, aerodynamic, and emotional systems. When someone is a "bad singer," it's usually because one of these systems is off somehow. 


All singing begins in the brain, so when we work with how the brain was designed to work, we can more fully lean into how God created us and how we can learn best. Check out the slides posted here, and then try practicing something on purpose this week!


Remember, the three main elements we need to learn anything are time, repetition, and sleep.

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Sound is made as the muscles, bone, cartilages, and other various kinds of tissues interact and vibrate together. Like every other muscle in the body, changes happen as we age. Those changes are according to God's design, but they can still be frustrating. In order to keep our voices toned up the way we want, it helps to go to the "vocal gym" on purpose to strengthen those muscles. 


This week, try about 10-15 minutes a day of on-purpose singing, and see if you notice any changes!


The breath is the gas in the engine, so to speak, so paying attention to how we're using the air in our bodies can affect how well our voices work. Most folks who aren't regular singers tend to use too little breath to support their sound, and that can make things unstable and reduce how high or low you can sing.


This week, try some breathing exercises and see how the breath sits in your body, and then try singing with a full-breathed sound. What do you notice? 

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How we feel about the sound of our own voices can make a huge difference in how they work, and how we engage in congregational singing. Our emotions can actually affect how the nerves, muscles, and breath work! 


This week, examine your own thoughts about your voice, especially the voices in your mind that come up right before you start singing. Then check those thoughts to see if they line up with what God says about you and how 

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