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You are an amazing voice teacher.

You've got a growing studio, and you’re helping your students achieve their dreams. You've built a great life, and you’re looking forward to the future.
But you also have dreams of your own. Dreams that you've had to set aside while building your business and your life.
You’ve thought so many times about going back to school for a graduate degree, but it’s never the right time. You've got a home and commitments that make going back to school really, really difficult. And you're not even sure if being in a university program is the best fit anyway. All those hoops to jump through and the classes that are required but don’t necessarily help. Plus the money. Education is expensive.
And so you put that dream back on the shelf for a while. Maybe one day.
For now, you read books and hang out in forums and attend webinars and other online courses. It's good information, but it's never as deep as you want to go. After all, there's no way a two-hour webinar can get into all the intricacies of the singing voice! But THAT'S what you want to know. You want to go into a deep, deep dive, like what you might get from a semester-long class (without the papers to write) from a knowledgeable and passionate teacher. The kind of teacher who makes you actually look forward to class!

Friend, I've got you!
I know exactly how invigorating and inspiring learning about the singing voice can be. I’m the same kind of nerdy as you, and that love of learning caused me to go aaaaaaall in to the world of vocology, even earning a PhD in voice science and vocal pedagogy. And after all that? I'm still utterly fascinated by the miracle of the human voice. And I want to help you learn what I learned! Whether you’re looking for a voice ped refresher course, feedback on your teaching, or the latest-and-greatest info from the voice world, I’m here to answer your questions and help you increase your confidence in your teaching abilities.
I’m Dr. Heather Nelson, your Personal Pedagogy Professor. I’m here to answer your questions and direct you toward the kind of training that not only scratches that learning itch, but actually makes a difference in your teaching. After all, formants are cool and everything, but what do you DO with that information??
Let’s provide some artistic application for all the science and theory so that your students...and maybe you, too...can joyfully make the music you love.
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