This is a simple post to write, but the challenge I'm laying out may be harder for you and me to dig into.
Vocal health is a noble goal, but it can devolve into a list of dos and don'ts really quickly if we don't have a reason driving it all. I've been doing a lot of reading and writing about goal setting recently, and one of the things that keeps coming back to me is how goals are much more effective and I'm much more likely to reach them if I have a solid "why" behind them. Reminding myself of my why is the motivation, more than just checking off a box.
So for today, I challenge you to think of five reasons why you sing and share them with us. Perhaps by remembering the why behind it all we can more easily and effectively implement the vocal health plan that will keep us singing for a long time.
Because I know sometimes it's hard, don't worry if you can't come up with five reasons right away. Start with as many as you can, and let them marinate in your mind for awhile, then see if any more bubble up to the surface. Maybe write down your reasons and put them in your audition notebook or practice folder. Remind yourself often. I'd be curious if you notice a difference in your attitude or practice after a few weeks of keeping your why in the forefront. I'll be doing the same, so let's check in after awhile.